Application Fee Definitions 

Read the following then click "Pay the Application Fee" at the bottom of this page to submit payment.
  • If America World will be your placing agency, please select Application Fee – AWAA International - $395
  • If you are eligible for a discounted application fee (see criteria below), please select Application Fee – AWAA International, Pastor, Military, or 2nd Time Adopter Discount – $198
  • Pastor’s Discount: One of the two spouses or the single applicant must be a minister (working 20-40+ hours per week) as defined by the IRS and the combined income of both spouses must be $70,000 or less (including housing allowances) for a 4-person household with a $5,000 increase for each additional dependent household member).
  • Military Discount: One of the two spouses or the single applicant must be in a branch of the military on active duty, and the combined income of both spouses must be $70,000 or less for a 4-person household with a $5,000 increase for each additional dependent household member).
  • Returning Family Discount: Families using America World as their placing agency who have adopted previously with America World as their placing agency are eligible for a 50% discount on their application fee.

  • If you are only using America World for your social services (home study and post adoption/post placement) please select Application Fee – Social Services Only - $295
  • If you are coming to America World just for post adoption services, please select Application Fee – Social Services Only – Post Adoption Services Only - $95
  • If you have an active, approved home study that you need to transfer from another social service agency to America World, please select Application Fee – Transfer - $125
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